Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring? Says Who?


To: Spring

From: Winter

Date: March 21, 2006 - [First Full Day Of Spring]

Re: Cancellation

Please note that, effective immediately, you have been cancelled. The regulations do not provide for an appeal of your cancellation. You will be advised of your rescheduling.

* * *

I mean, really. It was something like 14 degrees this morning with the wind chill. This is not North Dakota - although I have it on good authority that it was a balmy three, count 'em, three, degrees there a couple of mornings ago. I did indeed wear The Hat (tm)* to work this morning, something I normally reserve for days when the actual temperature drops below 20, but since I've never worn it when it's been officially spring, I made an exception this morning. I didn't tie it beneath my chin, though -- something I do when it's really cold that immediately identifies me as Not Cool and Not Russian. But that's ok, because it makes me a Warm New Yorker.

*Yes, The Hat, as it has been dubbed by my friends, is a genuine Russian rabbit fur hat, complete with ear flaps, brought back by my parents from their visit to Moscow in January 1994. (It is only fitting that while they were there, we had one of the coldest, longest cold spells in New York I can remember, while they were enjoying relatively balmy mid-30s in Red Square. I drove them to JFK, so I had the car while they were gone, which led to lots of fun and excitement on the streets of Brooklyn when the car door froze open one day. But that's another story, and another post.)


Anonymous said...

I've just realized that you've added to your blog. And I very much like "Words".

Not really all that anonymous,

Kay, wondering what happens if I choose "other" as an identity...oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained....oops, never mind

Anonymous said...

Update already!
